Affiliate Terms



This Contract is meant for the regulation of the legal regime applicable to registrants of the Haffiliation Affiliates Program.


2.1. By accepting the terms of this Contract, the registrant (hereinafter, “the Affiliate”) is automatically incorporated to the Haffiliation Affiliates Program, property of Andromedical, S.L. The program’s objective is to drive traffic from any of the websites or advertisements registered into the program, targeting towards the websites which Haffiliation promotes for the obtainment of the products/services advertised on such websites, with consequent payment of the corresponding commission to the Affiliate.

2.2. Once the terms of this Contract are accepted, the Affiliate must select a User Name and Password. The User Name is what allows the Haffiliation web servers to detect the traffic coming from the Affiliate. The Affiliate must insert the User Name into the links pointed at the websites which Haffiliation promotes. The Affiliate shall be the only Party responsible for any consequences arising from failure when inserting the User Name.

2.3. After prior identification using the User Name and Password, the Affiliate may access a control panel at which Haffiliation shall publish the statistics concerning the traffic driven from the Affiliate’s website to the different websites promoted by Haffiliation, as well as information regarding the purchases which may be carried out through the Affiliates account.


3.1. Haffiliation shall be responsible for the websites which Haffiliation promotes, in the following terms:

i) Processing purchase orders, collections, sending of materials and customer service.
ii) Claim resolution.
iii) Providing the Affiliate with a control panel showing the Affiliate statistics.

3.2. The Affiliate is responsible for:

i) Maintenance of its website or advertisements.
ii) Inclusion of links with the respective User Name so that the Program can monitor the results coming from this.
iii) Quality maintenance of their content, ensuring that this does not jeopardize the image of either Haffiliation nor that of Andromedical.
iv) Correct use of the images and information which Haffiliation may provide, not being able to employ these for other purposes different than the indicated at this Contract.
v) Legal authorization up to date and maintenance of its content and copyrights for all its materials, codes, programs, licences, images or any material which could engage in any copyright.

3.3. Affiliate liability:

i) By this means Andromedical SL communicates that the liability for possible adverse effects caused by the penile extensor
Andromedical S.L. shall not assume any liabilities whatsoever which arise from any damages or losses caused to a third party by the Affiliate, and this exempts Andromedical S.L. from any responsibility.


The right to receive commissions shall arise only and exclusively through purchases effectively carried out. A purchase effectively carried out shall be understood to be any whose order has been effectively paid by the customer and its amount received by Andromedical. The mere acceptance of an order by the customer does not entitle the Affiliate the right to receive a commission.
If a formalized purchase is given back, the amount of the commission corresponding to this, shall be detracted from the commission which, in each case, may be pending for payment to the Affiliate.
Under no circumstances the commissions shall be understood as valid when, before being paid, these are identified as having been fraudulently generated. Andromedical reserves the right to determine which commissions are fraudulent, as well as the causes for which these may be considered fraudulent.

The amount of the commission and the payment currency shall be those which appear at the Haffiliation website in every moment, and which the Affiliate may consult by clicking on “Commissions? Sales commissions” located at the “Commissions” tab within the Affiliate’s personalized control panel. In all cases, the commission payment currency shall be determined by the currency in which the purchase of the corresponding product or service was carried out.
It shall be the Affiliate’s obligation and its sole responsibility to periodically consult, at least once per month, the commissions chart and the website of the promoted products.
If a promotion is launched on behalf of Andromedical S.L., the Affiliate must consult the Andromedical Affiliation Department in order to know the amount of its commission during the period which the corresponding promotion will last.

At the end of each month, Andromedical S.L. shall notify the Affiliate of the total amount of its commissions by email during the first 10 days of the next month.
It is the Affiliate responsibility to confirm the reception of this email preventing it to land as bulk mail.
The Affiliate must send Andromedical S.L. the corresponding invoice, may be, applicable for VAT/TAX, in digital format (MS Word or PDF) by Email sent to the following address: .

Andromedical S.L. shall pay the Affiliate the amount of the commission due within the 15 days following the receipt of the corresponding invoice, through PayPal using the email which the Affiliate must provide during the registration process or by updating its information at the affiliate`s control panel. It is the Affiliate responsibility to notify by email of any changes made at the affiliates control panel, regarding the Paypal email.


5.1. This Contract shall enter into effect on the date of acceptance by the Affiliate and shall have an indefinite duration.

5.2. This Contract may be terminated at any time by decision of either any of the two Parties, without need to allege any cause and through prior communication to the other Party by email.

5.3. Once the Contract is terminated, the Affiliate must immediately withdraw all links, visual materials, logos or any other material pointing to any of the Haffiliation websites.

Upon termination of the Contract, Andromedical S.L. shall regularize and pay all the commissions which may have occurred in favor of the Affiliate during the effective life of the Contract, and pursuant to that established therein.


Andromedical S.L. reserves the right to modify any clause of this Contract in accordance with business and market opportunities and corporate management.
Andromedical S.L. shall not be responsible for the changes which may be made to the websites which Haffiliation promotes with regards to prices, shipping terms and commissions.


Andromedical S.L. and the Affiliate are independent Parties and the acceptance of this Contract does not imply any kind of business merger, association, franchise, sales representation or employment relationship whatsoever between the Parties. This is not an Agency Contract. The relationship between the Parties is based only and exclusively on the clauses established in this Contract.


Andromedical S.L. shall not assume any liabilities whatsoever which arise from any damages or losses caused to a third party by the Affiliate, and this exempts Andromedical S.L. from any responsibility.


Andromedical S.L. shall not accept claims of any kind whatsoever related to the operations or functioning of the Haffiliation website, including errors, interruptions or failures of service and/or those which may come from third parties sub-contracted by Andromedical S.L.


By accepting the terms of this Contract, the Affiliate accepts the Andromedical’s tracking system, sales and commissions, without having option to legal claims against this. This means that the amount of visits, commissions and payments which Andromedical S.L. presents shall be considered valid, without any right to legal claim.

Notwithstanding the above, Andromedical S.L. wishes to establish a relationship of trust and cooperation with its Affiliates, whereby it shall attend all complaints and claims in order to seek an agreement before referring to the content of this terms.


Andromedical S.L. reserves the right to authorize the Affiliate to use the content of the Andromedical S.L. websites, prior to a written request and authorization.

The Affiliate is obliged to respect the industrial rights of any kind which Andromedical S.L. may hold and to not divulge to third parties the know-how which Andromedical S.L. presents as consequence of the business relationship arising from this Contract, nor to misappropriate or modify it in any manner.


For the interpretation of this Contract, the Parties, with renouncement of the jurisdiction which could correspond to them, submit themselves to the Arbitration Decision which the Madrid Chamber of Commerce may pronounce.
And in proof of conformity with that established in this Contract, the Affiliate hereby states the acceptance of the entire Clauses and Conditions by clicking the button which says: “I have read the Contract and agree. I wish to register and affiliate myself.”

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